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Rob Brown is committed to working for the people of Texas 17th congressional District. With a strong history in real world management, Rob aims to create more opportunities for the community by focusing restoration of rights, shrinking government and restoring accountability in government. With his extensive experience in leadership, across the US and abroad, he has the knowledge and determination to address the pressing issues facing the district.
Key Priorities
Education is a fundamental pillar of Rob's vision for the district. We need to undo the damage done by an unnecessary department of educations.  Under 50 years of the DOE we have gone from 1st in Education in the world to 24th.  We are going to return $68 billion a year to the schools that actually teach our children.
Access to affordable housing is a critical concern. Rob is committed to implementing initiatives that address housing challenges, ensuring that every resident has a safe and stable place to call home.  First and foremost, freeing Americans to use their land as they see fit and removing the threat of imminent domain.
Rob recognizes the significance of accessible healthcare for all. He is devoted to advocating for comprehensive healthcare solutions that prioritize the well-being of every individual in the district.  To do this, there is a need for tort reform.  Frivolous judgments have pushed doctors out of competitive indendent practice to monopolistic health care corporations driving insurance rates through the roof.
Embracing diversity is essential for the growth of our district. Rob is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where every individual's voice is heard and valued, promoting unity and understanding within the community.  He will work to end racist programs that do not benefit all Americans.
Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility. Rob is passionate about implementing sustainable practices and policies that preserve the natural beauty of the district, contributing to a healthier and greener future for all.

Let’s talk Legislation

Remove the government's ability to surveille Americans with no evidence of wrongdoing through secret FISA courts and the Patriot Act 

Remove the government's ability to use immanent domain for any purpose other than infrastructure.

                  They currently use this to seize citizens property at pennies on the dollar to benefit corporations.

Remove the government's ability to seize citizens assets without conviction and remove the ability to sue someone for a crime they were found innocent of.

Change the burden of civil verdict to beyond a reasonable doubt.

Remove the government's ability to sue citizens.  The government exists to serve not to sue.

Eliminate the funneling of foreign and corporate money through Super Pacs

Term Limits of 10 years for the House and 12 years for senate.

                   When you allow lifetime politicians, their priority is getting reelected, not representing their constituents.

End the laws benefitting incumbents as it violates equal protection under the law.

Repeal the NFA restoring the 2nd amendment to Americans that are not rich and returning equal protection under the law.

Prosecutorial conduct laws banning prosecutors from stacking charges to take Americans' freedoms, using evidence unrelated to the charged crime, and requesting to delay trial denying the right to a speedy trial.

Banning the open sight doctrine.  No one should be prosecuted for anything they do in their own home if it is not infringing on someone else's rights.

Thousands of Texans cannot get mail at their house due to Post office refusal to register a mail box and deliver their mail.  This will be mandatory.

Return people's right to do as they chose on their own property.  If you are not building a multifamily dwelling, you should be able to build how you want.  The only inspections that should be required are from utilities to insure safety, which they do anyway.

End government subsidies for corporations that hurt small businesses.   Government is supposed to promote the general welfare, not just the welfare of their corporate donors.

End government corruption.  No public servant may invest while in government employ.  They don't need to divest their holdings because we want successful people in government.  But no new investment while in office.  No member of any regulatory agency may be named on patents or receive any royalties.

Lobbying shall be banned.  The only people the representative government should be speaking to is their constituents.  

Legislative simplicity.  No member of congress may introduce a bill they have not personally written.  No bill except budget may exceed 1,000 words.  All legislation needs to be in simple English.   Congress works for the American People, not the lawyers.

Legislation passed after a budget is passed must find money in the already approved budget.  No new spending can be passed outside of the budget.

Social media responsibility.  Internet service providers are utilities.  Social media has made the case they are publishers and have editorial rights.  They are then no longer a utility and have no shielding from civil action.

Any organization purporting to be news may make no opined statements without clear declaration that their statement is not factual but in fact opinion.  No anonymously sourced information or allegation without corroboration may be stated as fact.  Violation will result in the removal of all broadcast and business licenses.

No company can sell any individuals personal information or collect said information without written and notarized consent.

All companies' terms of service must be clear and under 1000 words.

Social media companies can use no algorithms that promote any post by any metric other than engagement.  All social media companies must remove all unverified accounts and bots.

All candidates for office must take cognitive testing and IQ testing so their mental acuity is public record.

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